
The Advanced Autonomous and Robotics Forum program will host over 15 sessions across two days. These sessions will cover the latest innovations and technologies in automation and robotics with a special focus on non-road mobile machinery (NRMM) in construction, mining, agriculture, and ports.


The Advanced Autonomous and Robotics Forum program will host over 15 sessions across two days. These sessions will cover the latest innovations and technologies in automation and robotics with a special focus on non-road mobile machinery (NRMM) in construction, mining, agriculture, and ports.

The Main Stage keynote theatre will tackle the following key subject areas:


Localization and Mapping in Challenging Environments:

Enhancing the ability of autonomous robots to navigate accurately in adverse weather conditions like snow and rain.

Remote Operation in Harsh Industries:

Leveraging digitalization to enable remote control and monitoring of machinery in construction, mining, and agriculture.

Autopilot and Operator Assistance Systems:

Implementing automatic functions in wheel loaders to improve efficiency, productivity, and safety.

Functional Safety in New Technologies:

Ensuring the safety and reliability of emerging technologies and machinery, particularly in autonomous systems.

Revolutionizing Agriculture through Automation:

Utilizing autonomous vehicles, drones, and robotics for precision farming tasks and livestock management.

Information Modeling for Automation:

Increasing the level of automation in tunneling and mining operations through information modeling.

Regulatory Landscape for Autonomous Systems:

Navigating current regulations and anticipating future perspectives in the autonomous systems industry.

Data Integrity and GDPR Compliance:

Safeguarding data integrity and origin in autonomous systems while adhering to GDPR and regulatory requirements.

Functional Safety in Autonomous Systems:

Integrating functional safety measures into autonomous systems for non-road mobile machinery.

Autonomous Technologies in Port Terminals:

Transforming port container terminals through autonomous, robotic, and remote operation technologies for enhanced safety, sustainability, and operational excellence.

Enhancing Visibility in Mining Automation:

Utilizing XR, AR, and digitalization tools to improve visibility and safety in underground mining operations.

AI for Safety and Productivity:

Balancing safety and productivity in non-road mobile machinery through artificial intelligence and digital twin technology.

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